- Altas taxas de recuperação
- A função de sobreposição de injeção elimina o tempo de espera
- Processamento simples no post-run
Cromatografia de Fluido Super Crítico Preparativa
Escala Analitica Nexera UC Aqui!
O Nexera UC Prep é um sistema preparativo de cromatografia por fluído supercrítico que oferece tanto o alto desempenho já desenvolvido para o modelo anterior Nexera UC quanto as tecnologias SFC preparativas de última geração.
Com diversas soluções no processo preparativo, permite que os usuários revisem seu fluxo de trabalho, reduzindo o trabalho e melhorando a eficiência. O sistema SFC preparativo aumenta as taxas de processamento e preparo de amostras, além de fornecer configurações de sistemas flexíveis em um design compacto.
Nexera UC+FRC-40SF_2mLvial (side)
Direct fractionation into vials
Nexera UC+FRC-40SF_96well (up)
Direct fractionation into 96-well plate
Overview of the analytical technologies using supercritical fluid
Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is a concept of designing analytical methods that are friendly to both chemists and environment. It is necessary for the GAC-based methods to retain the same analytical performance (e.g., accuracy, sensitivity) as those by their conventional counterparts. Large solvent consumption is particularly concerning in a food analysis where complicated sample extraction and chromatography are routinely practiced. Supercritical fluid is a state of matter just like gas or liquid, and the characteristics of CO2 supercritical fluid are nonflammability, easy handling, and low toxicity, which are relevant to the operator safety. This webinar will show the characteristics of supercritical fluids CO2, the practicality of analytical techniques using it, and the applicability to GAC.